Emergency Care Professionals' top priority has always been the health, well-being, and safety of our students, staff, and the general public. Never has this been more true than during the Covid-19 pandemic. On 19 March 2020, in an abundance of caution, I cancelled all scheduled training courses, and ceased all in-person operations.

As a nation, we have all made adjustments to our "normal" ways of life while we learned how to navigate a global pandemic, all to keep ourselves, our families, and one another healthy and safe. We have all been impacted, albeit in varying degrees and manners. Many of our nation's healthcare workers, first responders, and frontline staff faced this giant head-on, without hesitation, answering the call to care for those who unfortunately contracted this horrible virus. While the pandemic has not yet passed, many lessons have been learned on the way this virus is spread, risk factors, and how to best protect ourselves and one another.

In many areas a temporary hiatus was placed on classroom training, along with many healthcare provider certification expiration dates being granted extensions. As our communities, states, and nation begin to slowly reopen - these short-term reprieves are being lifted, and our healthcare professionals are now in need of certification updates.

Beginning 1 June 2020, Emergency Care Professionals will resume limited operations, progressively returning to full operations as it safe to do so. We will initially limit our course offerings to only those programs required for employment, or professional licensure or certification. Additionally we will adhere to CDC guidelines, increase our infection control measures, and implement procedural changes. Using the three ribbon tabs below, I have outlined the steps we are taking to protect our students, staff, and Instructors before, during, and after class.

Our classes may look a bit different for a time as we implement changes designed to keep all involved healthy and safe. I want to personally thank you, our students, for continuing to place your trust in Emergency Care Professionals. I sincerely appreciate each of you.
  • Limited course offerings
  • Screening questions for both students and instructors
  • Disinfection of all manikins, equipment, and touch surfaces per CDC guidelines
  • New manikin lungs installed
  • Health and Covid-19 risk factor screening questions
  • Masks covering the nose and mouth must be worn upon entering the facility and remain in place for the entirety of the class except where needed to perform skills
  • Hand sanitizer will be provided and must be used upon entering the facility
  • Latex-free gloves will be provided for use during the course (strongly encouraged)
  • Instructors and students must practice appropriate social distancing at all times
  • No physical contact between instructors and /or students at any time
  • Hand sanitizer will be provided for use as needed
  • Manikins, non-disposable equipment and supplies, and touch surfaces disinfected prior to and during class as needed
  • Each student will have their own manikin, AED trainer, ventilation delivery device, mask, and a disposable, single-use one-way valve
  • Classes may be altered to decrease possible exposure, while still adhering to American Heart Association guidelines

  • All disposable materials and single-use supplies will be discarded appropriately
  • eCards will be processed promptly at the end of class
  • Hand sanitizer will be provided for use prior to leaving the facility
  • Manikins, non-disposable supplies, and touch surfaces will be disinfected by the course instructor